This site is the Official WCHOA in Salisbury, MD.
Do not be confused by others.

If this is your first visit then please click the link over on the right to complete the requested information. All neighbors will be approved for membership and sent an email with logon information.  Only members will be allowed to view the secure pages as indicated by the lock next to them.  And most important, if you do not register, you will not be able to receive any neighborhood messages.

Please do not post any signs around the entrances or pond without prior board approval.
Signs posted without approval in those areas will be removed.
Signs in your yard are governed under the WCHOA Covenants.

All neighbor information is private, password protected and will not be shared, sold, distributed or available to anyone outside of our community.

The purpose of our website is to build a stronger, more robust community by enabling the residents of Willow Creek to connect, communicate, collaborate, and coordinate shared interests by providing a:

  • one-stop-shop for all neighborhood related issues
  • complete compilation of the community directory
  • central source for all neighborhood communication
  • calendar of Willow Creek community events
  • means to keep residents informed of safety concerns and events that may impact the community
  • source for advertising and utilization of neighborhood services (i.e. Classifieds, Personal yard sales)
  • forum for groups of similar interests to coordinate and plan events

Willow Creek is a quiet community located just west of Salisbury, MD. We are part of Wicomico County but not the City of Salisbury. Willow Creek is nestled conveniently off of Nanticoke Road close to schools, grocery stores and businesses. 

If you have any questions regarding the Homeowners Association, please contact any current HOA Board Member found on the list to the right.

If your copyrighted material has been posted without your permission please inform me and it will be removed.